Problems & Solutions
Eyecare Challenges and WHO Statistics
Vision impairment isn’t just a health issue; it shapes economies, education, and safety. Vision impairment yields significant personal and economic consequences. In the case of young children, vision impairment can trigger delays in diverse developmental aspects such as motor skills, language acquisition, emotional comprehension, social interactions, and cognitive capabilities. Among school-age children grappling with vision impairment, a tendency towards lower educational accomplishments can be observed. Among adults, vision impairment is linked to reduced participation in the workforce, decreased productivity, and heightened incidences of depression and anxiety. In the context of older adults, vision impairment can foster sentiments of social isolation, challenges in mobility, an increased susceptibility to falls and fractures, and a heightened likelihood of transitioning into care facilities.
Good eyesight is essential for both children and adults, The WHO and The Centre for Vision at Oxford highlight that 1.3 billion people who need eyeglass correction have no access. People globally suffer from uncorrected refractive errors, and 260 million children under 15 years old have visual impairments. Shockingly, 90% of these visually impaired children reside in developing countries, where access to proper eye care is limited. As we all know, nearly 80% of children’s learning is obtained through vision. The worldwide challenge posed by uncorrected vision impairment, especially in children, necessitates heightened awareness, enhanced infrastructure, and inventive approaches like the ones offered by First Sight.
Unfortunately, millions still struggle due to inaccessibility, hindering their potential. This issue has severe consequences, leading to economic, educational, and safety-related problems. First Sight eyeglasses offer a simple and cost-effective solution for developing countries.

For instance, in Tanzania, 71% of individuals with farsightedness struggle with daily tasks, yet only 6% have eyeglasses (Stanford Social Innovation Review). They cannot perform tasks adequately. Similarly, in India, 65% need glasses, but only 7% have them.
The economic burden of vision impairment is substantial, with an estimated global cost of productivity losses associated with vision impairment in adults reaching $411 billion annually. The primary causes of vision impairment and blindness are uncorrected refractive errors and cataracts. While the majority of visually impaired individuals are over 50 years old, vision loss can affect people of all ages. Nearly half of the cases of vision impairment could have been prevented or addressed.
First Sight’s simple and practical, low-cost process is crucial to guaranteeing access to adequate eye care and eyeglasses, ultimately elevating an individual’s quality of life, educational prospects, and economic potential.
WHO identified SIX barriers to providing eyeglasses, especially to children in developing countries:
1. Accurate, Reliable Vision Screening
2. Minimal Requirements for Electricity
3. Mobile
4. Sufficient Training of Staff
5. Cost Effective
6. Suitable for Children
Several other barriers also hinder access to eyecare and eyeglasses, especially in developing countries. Per Vision Care, these barriers include:
- Lack of Awareness: Some parents are unaware of the importance of regular eye exams for their children or may not recognize signs of vision problems.
- Transportation: Families in rural or underserved areas face challenges reaching eye care facilities due to transportation issues.
- Cultural Beliefs and Stigma: Stigmas associated with wearing eyeglasses in certain cultures can discourage children from seeking eye care.
- Lack of Proper Infrastructure: Some regions lack the necessary healthcare infrastructure to provide adequate eye care services.
First Sight Overcomes All Six WHO-Identified Barriers and Provides the Following Advantages:
- Training: Non-professionals can perform visual screening and fitting of prescription eyeglasses
- Efficiency: Deliver prescription eyeglasses in a mere 10 minutes
- Mobility: Can be used in any venue, indoors or outdoors
- Electricity: Can be used in areas with no electricity
- Affordability: Priced at just US$3.95 to $6.95 (per each prescription eyeglass with customized lenses or $6.25 in quantity), our eyeglasses transform lives and are always free to end users
- Suitability: Stylish, sustainable eyeglasses for children and adults
- Portability: At only 20 lbs. (9 kg) per Kit of 100 eyeglasses, it can easily slip into your luggage
- Proven Method: Clinically validated at the University of Nebraska Medical Center
- All-Inclusive: FirstSightKit® includes everything needed for effective vision screening and delivery of prescription eyeglasses. Click here to see what is included in the FirstSighKit
First Sight Mission
Overcoming WHO-Identified Barriers to Vision Correction
Addressing the global vision crisis, First Sight overcomes WHO-identified barriers: accurate testing, lack of electricity, mobility, insufficient training, cost-effectiveness, and suitability for children. Our process is simple, mobile, and effective, allowing anyone to screen and fit eyeglasses in just 10 minutes.
Empowering Non-Professionals with a Game-Changing Solution
First Sight introduces a pioneering solution validated by clinical trials at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. Our process delivers prescription eyeglasses right on the spot in just 10 minutes – and it requires no professionals. For just as low as US$3.95 to $5.95 (50 or 100 pcs per Kit), our revolutionary eyewear system can be operated by anyone, anywhere, without the need for electricity
Unlocking Potential with First Sight's Process
First Sight’s Three-Step process, contained in our FirstSightKit®, empowers non-professionals to screen and fit prescription eyeglasses, including fashionable frames, visual screening materials, and lenses for nearsightedness and farsightedness. Our sustainable and cost-effective eye-care system breaks barriers, providing clear sight for children and adults in impoverished regions.
Priced from as low as US$3.95 to $6.95 (per each prescription eyeglass with customized lenses or $6.25 in quantity), our eyeglasses transform lives – but are free to end users through donations of philanthropic and charity organizations.
Clinical Validation
The University of Nebraska Medical Center’s Department of Ophthalmology validated First Sight’s technique as 100% accurate in comparison to high-tech methods. Successful field tests empowered untrained staff in Haiti to provide clear vision to participants. The transformational impact of First Sight’s eyeglasses is already evident in 31 countries through partnerships with leading organizations.
Join the Movement, Illuminate Lives
Be a part of the global vision revolution. With over 1 billion people suffering from uncorrected refractive errors, the need is immense. First Sight’s mission is to empower individuals with clear vision, enhancing education and economic conditions. By collaborating with us, you directly contribute to transforming lives and ensuring affordable, accessible vision care for all. Click here.
Empower Lives with Clear Vision
Partner with First Sight and bring the gift of improved vision to those in need. We collaborate with NGOs, clinics, schools, and faith-based organizations to deliver eyeglasses where they’re needed most. By joining us, you provide educational opportunities, employment prospects, and prosperity to countless individuals.
Contact Us ... Be the Change
Join the vision revolution today. Contact us at WhatsApp/Mobile: +1-402-312-0012 (Nizar Mamdani),, or +1-402-578-1790 (Dr. Marsha Mamdani), Together, let’s change lives, one pair of glasses at a time and empower individuals with the gift of clear vision.